To Nicholas Chin from Kenn d'Oudney, DEMOCRACY DEFINED.

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The Home Page of The Democracy Defined Campaign
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Kenn d’Oudney, Mrs. Joanna d’Oudney & Astra d’Oudney. CEO/Directors.
(Standard English Spelling)
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The Democracy Defined Campaign Philosophy is endorsed by academics, attorneys,
doctors (of jurisprudence, medicine, homeopathy, philosophy, etc.) and judges (U.S. & U.K.).
is spread worldwide by its Members.
The Democracy Defined Campaign Philosophy is endorsed by academics, attorneys,
doctors (of jurisprudence, medicine, homeopathy, philosophy, etc.) and judges (U.S. & U.K.).
REPLY to Nicholas Chin.
Dear Nicolas,
Greetings. We hope you are well. We visited your discussion page as invited.
One tyranny will always be replaced by another unless the Common Law Trial by Jury is implemented as the sole Justice System.
As a former barrister, you will understand that the 'oppt' have no chance of overthrowing the present tyranny by the means they have adopted. They have no teeth, as it were; and any 'litigative' approach is swiftly dismissed by renewed countervailing 'legislation' and, above all, by the cabal's control over the courts and all acts of law enforcement.
From the evidence (e.g., insiders John Perkins, Bill Stills, Patrick Carmack et al) amongst other Crimes against Peace and Humanity, the cabal's tyranny deposes and assassinates; instigates military coups d'etats; invades countries to slaughter hundreds of thousands; premeditatedly starves millions; dispossesses individuals and robs on the grand scale. Their crimes are capital: their guilt indubitable.
Without Restoration of the people's control over the courts backed by police, prison service and the Armed Services as is emplaced by our Common Law Constitution, the cabal will continue on its course with impunity -- and without so much as noticing any ripples caused by the naïve 'oppt', and similar attempts.
The oppt's efforts merely personify wishful thinking, or worse: an attempt to distract the population from learning the real and only peaceful solution which is provided by Restoration of the people's control over the courts and law enforcement through Restoration of the all-powerful, authentic Constitutional Trial by Jury Justice System.
The oppt's claims are redolent of that other recent fragrant farce in Brussels, claiming 'empowerment' to arrest the Queen and Pope!
Without Restoration, do you really believe the oppt's technique and followers capable of indicting, dispossessing and imprisoning the owners of the worldwide Central Banks; Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Bushes (Brown Brothers Harriman) et al, and their numerous willing criminal servitors in the legal profession, politics and the judiciary ?
Before answering that question, viz. (below) brief analysis of their paper, previously and currently sent to the oppt.
Yours sincerely,
REPLY to the 'oppt'.
Dear Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, Hollis Randall Hillner and Caleb Skinner,
For thousands of years, people have tried to free the human from domination by others. Some fine moral codes, religions and laws have been formulated, taught and disseminated everywhere to no avail whatsoever. Injustice prevails.
The 'idealist' who plans a "new society," yet who does not adopt the onlyJustice System known to humankind for the (peaceful) elimination, deterrence, redress and retribution of unjust acts (i.e., acts of malice aforethought, mens rea, crime, as defined by Common Law), including those commited by those in positions of power, has no solution at all.
Naturally, people have the moral responsibility, the right and the duty to resist and suppress injustice wherever it occurs, and by whomsoever it is perpetrated, governments notwithstanding. By definition and in practice, Democracy and Justice require that the People at all times retain the Supreme Power to annul injustices and the bad laws made by fallible politicians.
This Power backed by the full apparatus of police, prison service and Armed Services, is uniquely embodied in the Citizen-Juror’s Duty in Trial by Jury:to judge the justice of every act of law enforcement, and to render the Not Guilty Verdict whenever conviction or punishment of the accused would be unfair, according to the juror’s conscience.
Trial by Jury is the central tenet and sole justice system of the People’slegem terræ* common law. In legem terræ common law (constitutionally inscribed as the Common Law Articles of Magna Carta in 1215), it is the jurors’ duty in the Trial by Jury Justice System to judge the justice of the lawand every act of enforcement and acquit any persons accused under an arbitrary, unjust or apocryphal statute, regulation or prosecution.
* terræ is pronounced terry, the ‘æ’ as in Cæsar, seize.
Common law governs government by the fact that all men and women are equally subject to the common law. No one is ‘above’ the Law of the Land. There is no immunity from the Jury’s Verdict, judges, legislators and head of state notwithstanding (ref. Articles 24, 39, 40, & 61). The decisions of Juries judge and rule over statutes and regulations made by national or local governments, and the decisions of judges.
Consider Harlan F. Stone, U.S. Chief Justice 1941-1946, on the Juror’s Duty in the authentic Trial by Jury, as follows:
"That juror must vote Not Guilty regardless of the pressures or abuses that may be heaped on him by any or all members of the jury with whom he may in good conscience disagree. He is voting on the justice of the law according to his own conscience and convictions and not someone else’s. The law itself is on trial quite as much as the case which is to be decided."U.S. Chief Justice Harlan F. Stone; Harvard Law Review.
(Emphases added.)
In the entire OPPT document, there is not one single word about mankind's Model Justice System, the secular, timeless foundational phenomenon of compassionate democratic* civilisation: the Common Law Trial by Jury.
*Hellenic Greece of the Constitution of government by Trial by Jury received from the Athenians the defining epithet, Democracy. Whether it be a republic or a constitutional (symbolic) monarchy, that state whichimplements the (genuine Common Law) Trial by Jury is etymologically, correctly defined as a democracy. See Democracy Defined.
People who have learned the Workings of the Common Law and its central tenet and sole Justice System, the Constitutional Trial by Jury, recognise the flaws, utter impotence and impracticality of the 'oppt' and such efforts. In this aspect, the oppt is no different from many-a previous failing aspiration.
As for this sort of puerile nonsense (from p.12), please spare us...! "Not all ET's are benevolent; In the past there have been the Reptilians, who have been"pulling the strings" of the controllers for a long time. They are mostly gone now, thanks to the benevolent Galactics."
Mine in blue. Fallacies in red.
The New Paradigm reality has the following characteristics:
• People live together peacefully with kindness, caring, compassion, understanding andrespect for each other’s differences. They solve problems peacefully through cooperation.There are no wars. Most people have always been generally inclined to cooperate with others... but the problems occur when the 'dominant gene' causes individuals to set up a coercive structure which they insist is "socially moral" to "justify" their dominance, and its enforcement. The majority then feel they will benefit by joining in and quietly supporting the new statist 'religion'.
The 'outsiders' who want none of the new structure are put upon by the majority. Hence, we have human history to date.
The strife of today must continue for as long as We the People fail to restore and/or universally adopt responsible control over government-made 'law' through Restoration of the Juror's Powers, Procedures, Rights and Duties in Common Law Trial by Jury. See Democracy Defined.
[p.3] provided useable, effective tools to [make the] transition to the New Paradigm systems The folks setting out the 'oppt' have no solution to mankind's troubles. They claim to maintain the Founders' ideals but missed the most important single facet of the U.S. Constitution which now requires simple Restoration as it is currently denied illegally by governments' criminal interventions. This is the people's control over allstatutes, regulations and acts of law enforcement through the People's Judicial Decisions in the Courts of the Common Law Trial by Jury Justice System, backed by police and prison service.
Without the protections of fellow citizen-jurors in Trial by Jury the Fall of compassionate Civilisation becomes inevitable... Yet, incredibly, there is not one word in the document about Trial by Jury as the foundational inspiration which creates the definitive lawful and legal Civilisation, with its concomitant Liberty, Rights and Equal Justice.
• Governments are run by people who really do serve the people. They are honest,ethical, and transparent (no secrets).
The people always need a foolproof method of calling malicious acts and criminals to account -- including those in positions of power or government.
The people always need a foolproof method of calling malicious acts and criminals to account -- including those in positions of power or government.
Even money will eventually become unnecessary. Money is merely a convenience; a means of exchange. It is only the 'love' of money that is corrupting, whether it be money-less 'credit' buying power or cash currency. Money is only as dirty as the people who handle it.
Even in the 'post-scarcity community', the money-less alternative society is much to be feared because those who control individuals' accounts have at all times the effective means of coercion (by account closure or disconnection) and the crushing of dissent: they have ultimate control -- slavery!
At least, if people still have the means of exchange physically in their hands as it were, and the protections of the (authentic) Constitutional Trial by Jury, then, they are free in the sense that they cannot be prevented from obtaining and possessing the necessities, such as food, clothing, housing, services and artefacts.
With Trial by Jury, of course, the People control the government; not the other way around. See James Madison for example, principal author of the Constitution. Madison sagaciously advocated that the people “regulate” society by expressing ultimate authority through their common law juries, as follows:
“Trial by jury cannot be considered as a natural right, but a right resulting from the social compact which regulates the action of the community, but is as essential to secure the liberty of the people as any one of the pre-existent rights of nature.”
Madison’s Proposed Amendments to the Constitution, 1789.
Madison’s Proposed Amendments to the Constitution, 1789.
“No state shall violate the equal right of conscience, freedom of the press, or trial by jury in criminal cases; because it is proper that every government should be disarmed of powers which trench upon those particular rights.” See Madison’s Proposed Amendments to the Constitution, June the 8th, 1789.
Without Trial by Jury, every state without exception evolves towards "arbitrary rule administered with injustice": definitive tyranny.
Without Trial by Jury, the entire society degenerates into an all-surrounding gulag; fear, misery, poverty, strife, brutality, force and injustice become the way-of-life; people forget or are not taught their only effective means ofemancipation is by the implementation of Common Law and its sole Justice System, that of Trial by Jury.
• Greed, the lust for power, and even competition are no longer a part of society.
There always has to be a peaceful way of protecting people from recurrent greed and the malice of others.
There always has to be a peaceful way of protecting people from recurrent greed and the malice of others.
For this you must have "in perpetuity" and "for ever" the supreme protection of your fellow citizen-jurors to decide the justice of all laws and causes (lawsuits); viz. Preamble and Articles 24, 39, 40, 61 & 63 of the exemplary 1215 Great Charter Constitution, Magna Carta.
All the wishful thinking and wasted effort of 'oppt' is fulfilled simply by adopting, campaigning for and achieving THE RESTORATION AMENDMENT.
With our 'ordinary' men and women citizens re-empowered by the Restoration of their authority in the People's Courts of Trial by Jury, backed by the full apparatus of police, prison service and Armed Services, the current tyranny and enslavement system is swept away overnight; and the banksters with their collusive servitors, the legal profession, politicians and judiciaries, will be brought to duly retroactive Justice.