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----- Original Message -----
Dear Sheriff of New South Wales,
Thank you for your letter advising me that I am "Juror number: 5355415" and I "MAY be summoned to attend court for jury service in the period August 2013 to July 2014".
I appreciate your doing this because it will give the opportunity to educate others as to their rights and responsibilities in their administering Justice.
Attached is your letter to me with my comments in the "CRIMINAL HISTORY" section ...... which is that "FRAUDULENT JUDGES HAVE BEEN PERSECUTING ME BECAUSE I DEMAND MY RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY".
So, you can see why I am delighted with what you have done.
However, I would like to point out that I have been terribly disappointed in your Sheriff's Officers NOT doing their duty which, as I found on your website, is "To ensure that people can exercise their rights in court in safety". It is quite the contrary because every time I have tried to "exercise my rights in court", especially, my Right to Trial by Jury, your Officers had assaulted me and violently removed me from the Court and sometimes even imprisoning me in the cells to release me into the street a few hours later.
I received a letter, on 16.11.2010, from one Juror telling me of how your Officers threaten Jurors. The Juror was too frightened to sign the letter, for fear of he or his family becoming victims in some way - for which I don't blame him.
This terrible state of affairs existing in Australia - where nothing less than a Police State has been created by thieves (being the Banks) and traitors (being the Judges) to destroy all that Australia once stood for.
People's Rights and Freedoms have been wiped out by, as the Bill of Rights 1688 accurately describes, "evil counsellors, judges and ministers endeavouring to subvert and extirpate the laws and liberties of the realm'.
Whenever TYRANNY raises its ugly head, it has always resulted in the People (or at least those who "will not be slaves again") FIGHT BACK and, when civilized methods do not succeed, it is the cause of bloody Revolution.
So, you can see why I'm thrilled to receive your letter informing me that I am "Juror number: 5355415".
I gives my a "captured audience" of other Jurors to educate and help them - by talking with them and answering any questions they might have.
My attempts to speak to gatherings of any kind, to promote the cause of Liberty, many times are resisted by individuals in those organizations who are intend on bullying and "keeping down" even the small percentage who might become activists against the oppression imposed by the thieves and traitors ... by the Banks and Judges.
Even last night, I attempted to speak about Liberty at the monthly meeting of my R.S.L. Sub-branch at Epping - only to be shouted down by the Officeholders and physically removed from the club. I, of course, do not react in any physical way and, as they try to push and shove me, I move at my own speed and continue to shout above the Quislings that it is the role of the R.S.L. to be "Eternally Vigilant" as "The Price of Liberty" in their own motto says. As I said, I am always calm and never get ruffled by being man-handled. I walked down the stairs by myself to the entrance of the club in Rawson Street, Epping to see a Police Patrol car right in front with a few Police Officers out of the car and some 50 metres away, talking to themselves but making no move towards me. I then went to the bus stop to return home.
The thieves and traitors (Banks and Judges) are having it all their own way, at the moment ... and, perhaps, they might eventually carry out their "FINAL SOLUTION" for world domination and ENSLAVING all the PEOPLES of the world ........ but I hope and pray that will not happen ... it's certainly going to take more than a handful of FREEDOM-LOVERS to stop them.
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.
Chairman, Australian Common Law Party.
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