hide details 10:52 AM (1 hour ago)
Detective Sergeant Kearns Gangin 5891
Major Fraud Squad Commercial Crime Division
Level 7, Eastpoint Plaza 233 Adelaide Terrace
Perth WA 6000 Phone: Fax: 9225 4489
Dear Sergeant Gangin
I refer to the above matter and wish to put the following on records:
a) The Major Fraud Squad is not investigating the new information which I am providing to the WA Police this morning as the latter had already passed the case to the WA Police Commissioner to the Chief Justice of WA for His Honour to do the needful as provided for under the Protocol. The case concerns the matter of David Taylor and Registrar Powell's falsifications of court records in CIV 1131 of 2006 on 10.2.2006 and 16.2.2006 which relates to some new information obtained by Maurice Frederick Law from the Supreme Court Registry (the new information).
b) The new information is with regard to the most recent new evidence obtained by Maurice Frederick Law from the Supreme Court Registry to the effect that the total court fees of $654.20 was never paid into the Supreme Court Registry either on 10.2.2006 by David Taylor in his Affidavit filed and sworn 29.3.2007 in CIV 1131 of 2006 or on 16.2.2006 as asserted by Registrar Powell in his letter dated 11.6.2009 to Mr. Nicholas N Chin the former solicitor for the estate of the late Nancy Cloonan Hall. The disputed payment of this fee was made some three years later and only on 19.5.2009. There is now therefore no longer any dispute about when the fees were paid. If the courts fees in CIV1131 of 2006 were never paid on 10.2.2006, the Writ of Summons in CIV1131 of 2006 were never commenced on 10.2006 and therefore the Order of Justice Jenkins in CIV 1142 of 2006 dated 19.1.2006 were never complied with by David Taylor. The new information was taken note by you this morning. The new information is found at my blogspot at the following link:
http://nicholasnchin.blogspot.com/2011/06/invoices-and-receipt-obtained-from.html (the new information received by Sergeant Gangin).
c) The Major Fraud Squad shall not investigate on the new information received by Sergeant Gangin until the matter has been investigated by the Chief Justice of WA and who has action or who has decided to return the matter to the Major Fraud Squad for further investigation (the responsibility of the Chief Justice).
d) I am now giving notice of the responsibility of the Chief Justice to the Associate of Justice Simmonds. His Honour Justice Simmonds had decided to lift the Caveats of Nicholas N Chin and Maurice Frederick Law on 12.8.2011 in CIV2157 of 2011 in favour of the Plaintiff of this Originating Motion one Mrs. Michele-Maree Gannaway who is the executor of the estate of the late Nancy Hall through her solicitors Messrs. Chris Stokes & Associates (the Plaintiff). His Honour should therefore be directing the Plantiff to make provisions for both Mr. Law and Mr. Chin for part of the proceeds of the sale of the caveated property namely the Hazelmere Property to be deposited into court so that they can be dispensed to the rightful claimants when their respective claims have been correctly processed in the future (Justice Simmonds directions). The grounds for Justice Simmonds directions is that the estate of the late Nancy Cloonan Hall should not be unjustly enriched as a result of the fraud of both David Taylor and Registrar Powell.
e) I would further like to point out specifically to all parties concerned what Owen JA had decided in paragraph 51 in Chin v Hall [2009] WASCA 216 heard 12.8.2009 delivered 9.12.2005 at paragraph 51 where His Honour said:
"If cases are put aside where a trial has miscarried through misdirection, misreception of evidence, wrongful rejection of evidence or other error and if cases of surprise, malpractice or fraud are put on one side, it is essential to give effect to the rule that the verdict, regularly obtained, must not be disturbed without some insistent demand of justice. The discovery of fresh evidence in such circumstances could rarely, if ever, be a ground for a new trial unless certain well-known conditions are fulfilled. It must be reasonably clear that if the evidence had been available at the first trial and had been adduced, an opposite result would have been produced or, if it is not reasonably clear that it would have been produced, it must have been so highly likely as to make it unreasonable to suppose the contrary. Again, reasonable diligence must have been exercised to procure the evidence which the defeated party failed to adduce at the first trial."f) This is clearly a case where there has been a miscarriage of justice through misdirection or misreception of evidence, wrongful rejection of evidence or other error or cases of surprise or malpractice or fraud. The victims of the miscarriage of justice are both Mr. Law and Mr. Chin who are the victims of the fraud of both David Taylor and Registrar Powell.
g) The new information is new evidence and should have been received by the Court of Appeal in CACV 107 of 2008 anyway. The fresh evidence about Registrar Powell's letter dated 11.6.2009 should also have been received by that Court of Appeal because its reception would have caused a reversal of that decision i.e. it would turn around the current decision of that Court of Appeal in reclaiming the salvour status of Mr. Chin of Nancy's estate .
h) Paragraph (e) above clearly shows the law and the directions which these proceedings should be heading towards; where there was a clear fraud committed upon the court by both David Taylor and Registrar Powell acting in concert with each other to defraud the estate of the late Nancy Hall, therefore those costs order (whether fraudulent or not) that had been subsequently made through the agency of Mr. Anthony Prime acting as the solicitor for Mrs. Audrey Frances Hall in CACV 107 of 2008 and in CIV 1775 of 2008 against both Mr. Nicholas N Chin and Mr. Maurice Frederick Law are never enforceable in any courts of law as both these people are innocent as they have not caused those proceedings to be instituted in first place, for which their costs have been inadvertently incurred against them. As they are not culpable, they should not be made to bear their burden.
Yours faithfully
Phone: ; Mobile; 0421642735
Emails; nnchin1@gmail.com; nnchin@msn.com
c.c. to:
The Hon. Chief Justice Wayne Stewart MartinExecutive Assistant, Chief Justice's Chambers - tel
E-mail - Chief.Justice.Chambers@
Associate - tel
The Hon. Justice Ralph Lloyd Simmonds
Associate - tel
Ms. Emmi Okada
Level 1, 459, Hay Street, PERTH WA 6000
Mr. Maurice Frederick Law
87, William Street. HERNE HILL WA 6056
Email: moza35@bigpond.com
On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 12:27 PM, wrote:
ReplyDeleteHi Nicholas
It's Emma Storey using Emmi's old email address.
Regarding your email below, could you please give me a brief summary of the
background/ any action I need to take? I've just commenced as Associate to
Justice Simmonds today so I'm not sure what I am required to do regarding
this matter. We're on circuit in Kalgoorlie at the moment so I don't have
access to any files either.
Kind regards
Emma Storey
Associate to the Hon Justice Simmonds
Supreme Court of Western Australia
Ph: (08) 9421 5349
Fax: (08) 9421 5465
Disclaimer: The information contained in this e-mail may be private and
personal or otherwise confidential. If you are not the intended
recipient, any use, disclosure or copying of any part of the
information is unauthorised. If you have received this e-mail in
error, please inform the sender and delete the document.
rom Nicholas N Chin nnchin1@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteto fraud.desk@police.wa.gov.au,
moza35 ,
date Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 2:39 PM
mailed-by gmail.com
hide details 2:39 PM (7 minutes ago)
Detective Sergeant Kearns Gangin 5891
Major Fraud Squad Commercial Crime Division
Level 7, Eastpoint Plaza 233 Adelaide Terrace
Perth WA 6000 Phone: 08 9220 0700 Fax: 9225 4489
Dear Ms. Storey
Thank you for your response email as indicated below. I would like to respond to you as follows:
a) His Honour Justice Simmonds have uplifted the two two caveats and have given the Plaintiff the freedom to sell the Hazelmere Property without protecting the interests of the Caveators.
b) I have since been unable to understand the law as to why those Caveats have been uplifted as His Honour has not provided a written judgment to that effect and this is preventing the parties from appealing. I am only speaking for myself and I do not speak for Mr. Maurice Law, although his case is intricately related to mine. If I have understood the law and the rationale for His Hour's decision to uplift the caveats on 12.8.2011, then I would be able to decide whether I should appeal that decision. If I do not appeal in time, the statutory limit period for my appeal would have expired while waiting for the statement of reason or judgment from Justice Simmonds.
c) The steps which you need to take is the remedial measures as is being outlined in paragraph (d) of the email below that I sent to the Fraud Squad to day. The Plaintiff should lay aside $115k to pay me, if I were to eventually win my case. You need to consult Mr. Maurice Law to decide on the quantum to lay aside for his case.
Yours faithfully
c.c. to:
The Hon. Chief Justice Wayne Stewart Martin
Executive Assistant, Chief Justice's Chambers - tel (08) 9421 5337
E-mail - Chief.Justice.Chambers@justice.wa.gov.au
Associate - tel (08) 9421 5395
E-mail - Associate.Chief.Justice@justice.wa.gov.au
The Hon. Justice Ralph Lloyd Simmonds
Associate - tel (08) 9421 5349
E-mail - Associate.Justice.Simmonds@justice.wa.gov.au
Ms. Emmi Okada
Chris Stokes & Associates
Level 1, 459, Hay Street, PERTH WA 6000
Ph: 08 9421 1300
Email: cstokes@stokesandassociates.com.au;
Mr. Maurice Frederick Law
87, William Street. HERNE HILL WA 6056
Email: moza35@bigpond.com
rom Emmi.Okada@justice.wa.gov.au
ReplyDeleteto nnchin1@gmail.com
date Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 2:46 PM
Important mainly because of the people in the conversation.
hide details 2:46 PM (3 hours ago)
Dear Mr Chin
Thank you for your reply email.
My apologies for my earlier email, I was under the mistaken impression that
your matter had to do with an internal court proceeding.
As I mentioned, I have only recently commenced in my Associate position
today. As I am currently in Kalgoorlie, I will forward your email onto the
Research Associate to Justice Simmonds and Justice Beech for consideration.
Should you have any further queries, could you please direct them to the
new email address emma.storey@justice.wa.gov.au as Ms Emmi Okada no longer
works at the Supreme Court.