| hide details 1:16 PM (19 hours ago) |
Dear Ms. Roberts
Law Complaints Officer
Colonial Building, Level 2, 55 St George's Terrace, PERTH WA 6000
Ph: 9461 2299 Fax: 9461 2265
Find information on-line at: www.lpbwa.org.au
Law Complaints Officer
Re: Nicholas N.Chin
We acknowledge the receipt of your email of the 15th April and wish to state that no further action will be taken by Unity Party of WA until it receives a written authorization from our member Mr. Chin. We as bystanders are incensed by the situation as we read the blogspot of Nicholas N Chin and do express our disappointment at the alleged horrendous matters that are being done by persons against him and the LPCC not doing its duties to stop them but still wants to persecute him.
May we remind you that with the advent of the internet no one can inflict a torture a person against the Conventions for Torture of the United Nations and then hide behind the facade of the bureaucratic wall and pretend to be innocent as no one is above the law. Those who live in glass houses should never throw stones.
Yours sincerely,
Eddie Hwang
Unity Party WA
Ph/Fax: 61893681884
Date: 18-Apr-2011.
Environmental friendly-save the trees-use email.
Can you afford to give Telstra a try?
From: Legal Profession Complaints Committee [mailto:lpcc@lpbwa.com] President
Unity Party WA
Ph/Fax: 61893681884
Date: 18-Apr-2011.
Environmental friendly-save the trees-use email.
Can you afford to give Telstra a try?
Dear Mr Hwang
Please find attached a letter of todays date from Law Complaints Officer Ms Roberts.
Kind Regards
Legal Profession Complaints CommitteeColonial Building, Level 2, 55 St George's Terrace, PERTH WA 6000
Ph: 9461 2299 Fax: 9461 2265
Find information on-line at: www.lpbwa.org.au
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